International Independent Schools - Khalda Branch - Kindergarten
The International Independent Schools prepares generations that are loyal and patriotic. Generations who are committed to faith, scholars for life, creative thinkers, active debaters, dynamic leaders, Influential, and able to leave a positive impact on humanity.
KG -Kindergarten
CAMBRIDGE International Examinations - COGNIA - CollegeBoard - Edexcel - National - ETS
English - Arabic
Cafeteria, Gym
Jordan / Amman
Khalda, Amman, Jordan
- Classrooms
- Physics Lab
- Biology Lab
- Chemistry Lab
- Computer Lab
- Library
- Art room
- Music room
- swimming pool
- auditorium
- Robotics Lab
- Vocational Room
Learning environment
The International Independent Schools mission is to provide students with the latest curricula based on international standards, in addition to providing value programs that instill a sense of belonging to their society through community service programs, which are implemented in the students’ lives and their future.