Punctuation Marks Part 3
Apostrophe (')
- An apostrophe is used to show a contraction or possession.
- We use an apostrophe to show that there are missing letters in contractions.
Don't worry, it won't rain. (Don't = Do not; won't = will not)
It's raining. (It's = It is)
(Note that it's is a contraction of it is or it has.)
- We use an apostrophe after a noun (normally a person, animal or group) with the letter s to show that the noun owns someone or something.
Tom's parents live in Liverpool.
Singular or plural
- We use ('s) when the possessor is singular.
July's mother is going to China.
- We use ('s) when the possessor is a plural noun that does not end in s. But when a plural noun ends in s, we put the apostrophe after the s (s').
My uncle writes children's books.
This is a picture of my parents' house.
- When a singular noun ends in s, we generally use ('s).
He has a collection of Dickens's novels.
Ellipsis (. . .)
- The ellipsis is a kind of punctuation that represents a pause or that something has been deliberately omitted. Specifically, it shows that some words have been deleted from a direct quote, so that the reader knows that the original text has been modified.
It must be obvious [. . .] that there is a contradiction in wanting to be perfectly secure in a universe whose very nature is momentariness and fluidity.
- In order to show a small pause or silence in a text, which is suitable for a dramatic effect, an ellipsis can also be used.
With sweaty palms, I reached out for the knob and threw the door open to reveal . . . a lost puppy.
- When we talk, we sometimes do not complete a sentence for a variety of reasons. Maybe we forgot what we wanted to say, or maybe our listeners already know what we are about to say, so we don’t need to say it.
Would you like sugar for your coffee, or . . .
- When a complete sentence ends with an ellipsis, it’s usually a dramatic device to indicate that there’s more to come. One of the most common examples is the phrase to be continued . . ., where the ellipsis hints that there’s more to the story.
And then only two remained . . .
Hyphen (-)
We use a hyphen to join words or parts of words. They are used in compound modifiers when the modifier comes before the word it’s modifying.
- Hyphens with compound modifiers:
A compound modifier (phrasal adjectives) consists of two or more words that act like one adjective in describing a noun. The words work together as a unit of meaning.
It’s recommended you don’t take down any load-bearing walls when renovating.
We put a hyphen between load and bearing to make it clear that we’re talking about walls that are bearing a load.
- Hyphens and compound modifiers with present participles:
In order to make the meaning clear, we use a hyphen when we combine an adjective, a noun or an adverb that doesn’t end in -ly with a present participle (the –ing form of a verb) to describe another word.
I prefer a forward-facing seat on the train.
- Hyphens in compound modifiers with past participles:
The same rules of other compound modifiers are applied here. A hyphen is used when the compound comes before the noun it modifies.
Many veterinarians find meat-fed cats to be quite healthy.
- Hyphens with high and low:
A hyphen is used when the compound comes before the noun it’s modifying.
Low-flying airplanes contribute to the noise pollution in the area.
- Hyphens and compound words:
Hyphenated compound words are terms made of two or more words with a hyphen between their component words. Examples of hyphenated compound words:
Six-pack, Foot-pound, President-elect, Half-pipe, Ten-year-old, and Mother-in-law.
- Closed compound words:
Over time, hyphenated words tend to become closed compounds (single words, with no spaces and no hyphens). Examples of Closed compound words:
Waistcoat, Fundraiser, Chairperson, Notebook, and Halftime.
- Open compound words:
Open compound words consist of two nouns that are used together to represent one idea. “Open” indicates that there is a space between the two words and no hyphen.
Real estate, Dinner table, Home base, and Living room.
- Hyphens and numbers:
We should use a hyphen with numbers that are spelled out between twenty-one and ninety-nine.
This is the eighty-first baseball game of the regular season.
- Hyphens in compound modifiers involving numbers:
Whether the number is spelled out or in numerals, and whether it is cardinal, ordinal, or a fraction (e.g., half or quarter) when the first part of a compound modifier is a number that is followed by a noun in a sentence, the compound modifier is hyphenated.
Cardinal (Spelled out): The president of the company gave a ten-minute speech to the board of directors.
Cardinal (Numerals): The shopping mall installed a 107-foot-tall LED tower.
Ordinal: He is knowledgeable about thirteenth-century politics.
Fraction: I went on a three-quarter-mile run yesterday.
- Hyphens with prefixes: ex-, self-, all-:
A hyphen is used with the prefix ex- (former) and with the reflexive prefix self-.
Though she no longer held an official position, the ex-mayor still attended all the town’s functions.
Lying on the floor beside the plant he had knocked over and chewed on, the cat looked extremely self-satisfied.
When all is a part of a compound, a hyphen is used if the compound is adjectival, but leave the compound open if it is adverbial.
It’s a bad leader who thinks of themself as all-powerful.
The team went all in to meet the deadline for their project.