Empathy vs. Sympathy | Definition, Differences & Examples
When people talk about other people's misfortunes, the two words empathy and sympathy are commonly used. Although they are similar, the two words can't be interchanged and can frequently be used in a wrong context. What's the meaning of each term, and what can you use it for? There's a slight difference in the definition of each word, but it has a major effect.
Empathy is the ability to understand, share and see things from someone else's point of view.
Sympathy is the feeling of compassion or concern resulting from an awareness of the suffering or sorrow of another.
How to Remember the Difference?
A simple way to know what sympathy refers to is to think of the greeting card section at a shop. You feel sorry for someone who is going through a hard time and you express your condolences with a sympathy card.
To put it in another way, you don’t put yourself in their shoes and imagine yourself struggling with their situation. There is therefore a possibility to have sympathy, but not empathy.
When we empathize with someone else's situation, it means that we take time, effort and space in our mind for full appreciation and understanding of how he feels.
When we practice empathy, we take a deep look at their feelings and imagine ourselves in their position. This isn't about what we think of their experience, it's about pretending to be them as if they were going through something like that and experiencing the same emotions.
For example, if a friend tells you that their dog passed away, you sympathize by saying “I’m sorry for your loss.
But in order to empathize, you would imagine yourself losing your own pet and feeling the grief and loss that come with that tragedy.
Which Is Better—Empathy or Sympathy?
It depends on the context and the right time to use empathy or sympathy. In order to be emotionally and mentally healthy, there is a need for empathy and sympathy.
In order to develop deep and meaningful relationships with others, empathy is essential. It can be difficult to effectively communicate and solve problems together if you don't understand another person's point of view.
We're bombarded with disturbing news at our fingertips in the age of social media and mobile phones, and it's easy to get caught up in what's going on in the world. With sympathy, we can stay updated about global issues without being emotionally drained.